Empowering Communities: EGPAF’s School Quiz Competition Drives Health Awareness and Action
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“What does COVID-19 stand for?” This was one of the many fact-based questions posed to primary and secondary school students who recently competed in quiz competitions which were organized by the Elizabeth Glazer Paediatric Aids Foundation (EGPAF-Zimbabwe) and City of Harare (Health Department in collaboration with MOE) under the Catalyzing COVID-19 Action (CCA) Project. Through EGPAF Zimbabwe’s innovative approach of organizing a school quiz competition, EGPAF-Zimbabwe CCA team successfully promoted demand creation for COVID-19 testing, COVID-19 vaccination, anti-stigma messaging, and awareness on protecting against cholera. The school quiz competitions were conducted in two phases: District finals (Monday 5 June and Tuesday 6 June 2023), Provincial finals (Thursday 8 June and Friday 9 June 2023). The Provincial finals were held at Queen Elizabeth School in Harare which saw Fundo Primary School and ZRP High School emerging as the winners of this prestigious competition.
The Quiz Competition Winners
A total of 24 schools participated in this quiz competition and each of the students who took part in this event received a branded T-shirt and Cap from EGPAF-Zimbabwe. At the District level, the winners received stationery vouchers. Then for the Provincial finals, the top three were:
Primary School | High School |
1. Fundo Primary School | 1. Z.R.P High School |
2. Glen View 1 Primary School | 2. Highfield High 1 School |
3. David Livingstone Primary School | 3. Mabvuku High School |
The top three received a branded glass trophy, individual medals and stationery vouchers. It was an intensive competition as most students got the answers correct in both multiple choice and open-ended questions covering intricate details of COVID-19 and cholera prevention and treatment.
Cheering on the Students
Representatives from the Ministry of Primary and Secondary Education were also present at the start of the quiz at each school in the district level and they launched the competition with a word of encouragement to the students and thanking EGPAF-Zimbabwe for coming up with such a diverse initiative.
Mr. Mafukidze who is the Provincial Education Director for Harare Province and Ms. Munhuwa, who is the Principal Educational Psychologist for Harare Province, were also present at the provincial finals respectively on Thursday and Friday.
At the Primary school quiz final, Mr. Mafukidze stated, “Our goal as Ministry of Education, is to encourage sensitization and also promote the dissemination of accurate health information among school children because we consider them to be agents of change in their community, and most of them are able to positively influence their parents to incorporate good hygiene practices in their homes.”
Dr Nyasha Makova (Technical Officer) from EGPAF-Zimbabwe who was also present at both the Primary and High school provincial quiz finals said, “I was amazed to see how much correct information these students have on COVID-19 and cholera.” He went on further to say, “These students are taking the correct information on COVID-19 and cholera to their respective homes and would be able to adequately explain to their families and neighbours all the different aspects of these diseases.”
Engagement of youth is critical to reaching communities with correct and timely information about COVID-19. EGPAF’s School Quiz Competition stands as a testament to the power of education, community involvement, and the belief that knowledge can truly transform lives. Through their dedication, innovation, and unwavering commitment, EGPAF not only educated but also ignited a movement that brought about positive change and saved lives.
Hanna Tesfayone