Zimbabwe is one of the countries hardest hit by HIV in sub-Saharan Africa. As of 2019, nearly 1.4 million people are living with HIV in Zimbabwe – 84,000 of these individuals are children under the age of 15.
Reached over 3.4 million pregnant women in antenatal care
Provided HIV testing to over 181,481 HIV-exposed infants before two months of life
Ensured over 80,000 babies were born HIV-free
Our Work
The Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation (EGPAF) in Zimbabwe brings both clinical HIV expertise and a focus on strengthening data quality and health systems to address the HIV and AIDS epidemic in-country. Since 2001, EGPAF has been a lead partner to Zimbabwe’s Ministry of Health and Child Care, supporting the national prevention of mother-to-child transmission of HIV (PMTCT) and pediatric HIV care and treatment programs.
EGPAF-Zimbabwe has helped the country work toward its goal of near elimination of new pediatric HIV infections by supporting PMTCT and pediatric programs at the facility, district, provincial, and national levels with a primary focus on improving the quality of HIV services in Zimbabwe. In addition to direct health service delivery support, EGPAF-Zimbabwe advocates for policy development aligned with local community needs focusing on PMTCT, the scale-up of early infant HIV diagnosis (EID), and the specific needs of HIV-positive children and adolescents. We also engage in operations research, which aims to increase access and use of the most effective HIV and AIDS services.
Open | 2024 - 2025
HPV Vaccine Study
This project is funded by the Gavi Alliance.
Open | 2024
New Horizons Collaborative
Since 2014, the New Horizons Collaborative, funded by Johnson and Johnson, works with 10 countries in sub-Saharan Africa to advance high-quality, sustainable care for children and adolescents living with HIV.
The New Horizons Collaborative:
Decentralizes decision-making in pediatric and adolescent HIV care and treatment
Develops data-tracking systems for children and adolescents
Shares lessons learned with the community and global stakeholders
J&J donates Darunavir and Etravirine to participating countries for 2nd and 3rd line ART
Strengthens health system capacity for treatment failure management
The 2023 Treatment Failure Cascade for 7 New Horizons Countries
New Horizons at Work
These toolkits were designed to fill gaps identified by the collaborative in treatment failure management, disclosure, and transition of care. Please feel free to download and use them! Translations in French and Portuguese are available for the Disclosure Toolkit, and the Treatment Failure Management Toolkit is available in French and English.
This project improves sustainable ART service delivery for children and confronts challenges that adolescents face around disclosure, adherence, and psychosocial support.
Open | 2021 - 2023
Catalyzing COVID-19 Action (CCA)
With funding from UNITAID and FIND, EGPAF provides technical support and capacity building to governments and facilities, ensuring they effectively contribute to the planning and implementation of a sound response to the Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic in Kenya, Cameroon, and Zimbabwe. The CCA project focuses on generating evidence, accelerating solutions, and developing innovative strategies to inform policy guidelines and further scale up models of care to improve detection and treatment of COVID-19.
Closed | 2014-2021
New Horizons Advancing Pediatric HIV Care Collaborative, Zimbabwe
With funding from Johnson & Johnson and in partnership with the MOH, EGPAF provides technical assistance on pediatric second- and third-line ART access. This project aims to improve sustainable ART service delivery for children, and confront challenges faced by adolescents around disclosure, adherence, and psychosocial support. The heart of the Collaborative is a darunavir/etravirine donation program, which increases availability of third-line pediatric and adult ART for children and adolescents failing second-line treatment.
Closed | 2022
New Horizons Project 2022
In 2022, the NH will transition to a new phase of New Horizons 2.0, EGPAF as a key implementing partner along with other current partners including Partnership for Supply Chain Management, Imperial Logistics, CIPHER Paediatric HIV Matters, Right to Care, and the Paediatric European Network for Treatment of AIDS.
Closed | 2021
New Horizons Project 2021
In 2021, the NH will transition to a new phase of New Horizons 2.0, EGPAF as a key implementing partner along with other current partners including Partnership for Supply Chain Management, Imperial Logistics, CIPHER Paediatric HIV Matters, Right to Care, and the Paediatric European Network for Treatment of AIDS.
DELTA2 is a five-year, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)-funded cooperative agreement implemented by EGPAF.
Open | 2019 - 2023
New Horizons Study 2019 – 2023
Demographic Clinical, and Laboratory Characteristics and Outcomes of Pediatric Patients Who Ever Received Etravirine and/or Darunavir
The current activity proposes to collect cross-sectional demographic and clinical data at baseline and every six months for patients receiving DRV and/or ETR across participating New Horizons countries. This activity will comprise data abstraction of a key demographic, clinical, laboratory and case history indicators and outcomes on each patient who ever received DRV and/or ETR.
EGPAF is in the end stages of an assessment under the AIDSFree mechanism to identify the most effective combination of questions to screen OVC for HIV testing services at the community level.
This Johnson & Johnson–funded project supports the Ministry of Health and Child Care to implement the Start Free, Stay Free, AIDS Free framework and continues efforts toward the national elimination of mother-to-child transmission (EMTCT) in Zimbabwe
The overarching goal of this Unitaid-funded project is to increase the number of HIV-positive infants whose HIV status is known in order to facilitate early ART initiation.
The objectives of this two-year project funded by CIFF are to improve identification, initiation, retention and viral load suppression of adolescents in 20 high-burden districts, and to strengthen the knowledge base related to adolescent HIV.
In late 2015, CIFF awarded a two-year costed extension to EGPAF for the “Accelerating Elimination of Pediatric HIV” project to support the government of Zimbabwe in sustaining systems and services developed over the past five years which have accelerated the elimination of pediatric AIDS in Zimbabwe.