

HIV is the leading cause of death in Lesotho, affecting nearly a quarter of the population. TB is the nation’s second leading cause of death and a dangerous opportunistic infection for people living with HIV. The Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation (EGPAF), seeks to end pediatric HIV and AIDS and support the delivery of high-quality and comprehensive health services to women, men, and children.
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Key Program Accomplishments

Currently, EGPAF Lesotho-supports

Testing nearly 163,000 individuals for HIV this year to date

Prevention of mother-to-child transmission (PMTCT) services of more than 5,500 women per year

Access to lifesaving antiretroviral therapy among more than 205,000 individuals, including over 5,000 children

Early Infant testing and diagnostics provision to almost 5,000 HIV-exposed infants within their first 8 weeks of life this year, to date

Our Work

EGPAF began collaborating with Lesotho’s Ministry of Health in 2004. Through leadership from the Government of Lesotho and support from the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) and other partners, Lesotho significantly scaled-up access to comprehensive HIV services across the country. In June 2016, the country adopted World Health Organization guidelines recommending Treatment for All, allowing anyone diagnosed with HIV an opportunity to be immediately initiated on treatment for life. EGPAF, as a key partner, helped the country to adopt these guidelines and widely implement them. The most recent Lesotho Population-based HIV Impact Assessment showed that Lesotho reached the UNAIDS 90-90-90 targets by 2020, with 90% of the population aware of their HIV status, 97% of those aware of their HIV status on treatment, and 92% of those on treatment virally suppressed. EGPAF has contributed to this success by using a national-, district-, and site-level approach to deliver HIV services and provide technical assistance to the Ministry of Health. EGPAF-Lesotho currently supports 178 sites in 8 districts to implement a comprehensive package of HIV and TB services, advocates at the national level to inform health policies, and conducts research to inform improved programming. Another key aspect of EGPAF-Lesotho’s portfolio is external technical assistance, including the provision of technical assistance to local implementing partners, which builds local capacity for sustainable quality TB/HIV services and self-reliance.

