Supporting Global Fund Grant Writing, Guideline Development and National Data Systems
Global Cooperative Agreement for the Delivery of Technical Assistance (DELTA2) Assignment #09 COVID-19 Response Mechanism Technical Assistance Implementation Update: Zimbabwe
The Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation (EGPAF) is a recognized leader in the global effort to eliminate pediatric AIDS and one of the most successful international implementation organizations for pediatric, adolescent, youth, and adult HIV prevention, care, and treatment programs. EGPAF currently provides technical assistance (TA) at the national, sub-national, facility, and community levels in 17 countries to effectively support the implementation, scale-up, and evaluation of HIV, TB, and COVID-19 programs.
Through funding from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), EGPAF is implementing the five-year DELTA2 cooperative agreement for global technical assistance (TA) in HIV and AIDS, providing TA services to optimize the impact of programs supported by the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) and the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria (GFATM) to ultimately help achieve an AIDS-free generation.
Through DELTA2 Assignment #09, EGPAF is providing TA to the COVID-19 pandemic response, and towards mitigating the effects of COVID-19 on existing HIV and TB programs, in Cameroon, Cote d’Ivoire, Haiti, Malawi, Uganda and Zimbabwe, primarily through the identification and secondment of several Technical Advisors to national response efforts. These Technical Advisors are recruited and placed specifically to address identified gaps, needs and challenges in the pandemic response in each country, in close collaboration and coordination with Ministries of Health (MOHs), other relevant government entities, implementing partners (IPs), PEPFAR, USAID and CDC missions.
In Zimbabwe, EGPAF has recruited four Technical Advisors to provide support to the Ministry of Health and Child Care (MOHCC) and prime recipient UNDP in the areas of National Response Management, Laboratory Systems and Surveillance, Data Management Systems, and Case Management & Tuberculosis/HIV Adaptation. Since March 2023, these four Technical Advisors have been performing baseline assessments, finalizing workplans, and providing TA in their respective technical areas. In addition to their core technical assistance work, EGPAF’s Technical Advisors were requested by MOHCC to provide key support during the grant writing process for the C19RM Portfolio Optimisation Wave 2 grant and the Global Fund Cycle 7.
Andrea Uehling