Implementing the Red Carpet Program
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The global Red Carpet Program (RCP) Package consists of individually but interlinked resources, tools, and guides. The components include:
A. Summary Red Carpet Brief: This brief provides a high-level overview of the Red Carpet Model outlining the different components, evidence, and elements for implementation as well as descriptions of cadres and roles specific to the model.
B. Red Carpet Health Facilities Guide: This guide offers resources for guidance on the implementation of the RCP suite of interventions to support effective linkages to and retention in care of adolescents and youth living with HIV (AYLHIV).
C. Red Carpet Community and School Linkages: This guide provides direction in implementing the RCP for responsive communities in schools to support effective linkages and coordination between facilities and school communities to ensure an uninterrupted continuum of quality care and retention of adolescents and youth students living with HIV.
D. Red Carpet AYLHIV and Stakeholder Engagement Guide: This guide provides a framework and guidance for stakeholder engagement at the facility and community level in implanting the RCP.
E. Red Carpet Standard Operating Procedures Package: This package of standard operating procedures (SOP) is a suite of consolidated practical tools that complement the guides to support the implementation of the RCP at the facility and community level.
Learn More:
To learn more about implementing the Red Carpet Program, please view accompanying training tools and modules here.
View a recording of our Evidence to Action webinar on implementing the Red Carpet Program below:
Adolescent Identification, Care & Treatment; Differentiated Approaches