Enhancing HIV Treatment Outcomes for Migrant Populations in Gaza, Mozambique
Migrants from Gaza on ART face challenges with treatment adherence and retention due to extended periods without access to healthcare services. A differentiated package of care aligned to the timing of their visits back home, that includes 6MMD or 12MMD of ARVs, can support these clients to achieve viral suppression.
EGPAF’s study findings revealed that the introduction of 6MMD and 12MMD of ARVs had a positive impact for migrants working outside Gaza, given the fact that migrant clients achieved viral load suppression after 12 and 24 months. These outcomes encourage the continuation and expansion of the differentiated services package.
Furthermore, the study’s findings significantly influenced the adoption of national guidelines for 6MMD among the general population in Mozambique. Moreover, the pilot implementation of 12MMD in Gaza for migrants underscores the imperative to extend this tailored approach nationwide.
The differentiated package of care in Gaza replaced the previous policy of using viral suppression as an eligibility criterium for MMD, and this new approach delivered positive outcomes. Considering the significant numbers of Mozambican migrants living abroad, the multi-month dispensing approach should be scaled up not only within Gaza, but also in other regions with high numbers of migrants who are unable to frequently access healthcare services.
Differentiated Approaches