Journal Articles | March 2021

Eliminating mother-to-child transmission of human immunodeficiency virus, syphilis and hepatitis B in sub-Saharan Africa

Bulletin of the World Health Organization


Read the full article via the World Health Organization here.

Article conclusion:

“Triple elimination is a strategic opportunity to tackle three main causes of morbidity and mortality for mothers and their infants through adoption of an integrated, person-centred approach. Sub-Saharan Africa, with its high burden of mother-to-child transmission for the three infections, would benefit from adopting strategies to promote triple elimination. National programmes in sub-Saharan Africa can accelerate the adoption of WHO policies and frameworks that serve to break down disease-specific vertical programmes, improve efficiency and support a person-centred and sustainable approach to triple elimination. Innovations may facilitate triple elimination programmes, but current tools and models of care already provide effective interventions to reach elimination. The sub-Saharan African health community can secure political support and make use of existing funding to realize the benefits of triple elimination.”





Triple Elimination