Issue Briefs | March 2023

Digitizing Quality Improvement, Program Optimization, & Technical Assistance

Four of EGPAF’s Web & Mobile App Solutions
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The goal of the apps is to integrate technology and improvement science to better understand and strengthen services for children, mothers, and families affected by HIV.

The apps provide digital platforms for remote activity monitoring, data management and analysis, and centralized storage of Quality Improvement (QI), Program Optimization Approach (POA), and Technical Assistance (TA) project information.

The Apps

EZ-QI App | Conducts quality audits of key programmatic areas

Easy Quality Improvement (EZ-QI) is a web- and mobile-based application housed on the DHIS2 platform that enables teams to conduct quality audits and analyze the quality of services offered to recipients of care. App modules are available to assess quality of various programmatic areas, including HIV care and treatment and exposed infant diagnosis. Accompanying data visualizations on PowerBI and DHIS2 dashboards support teams to analyze and interpret their quality of service data so that these results can drive action contributing to strengthened services for clients.

QI-PM App | Tracks site-level QI projects’ progress and indicators

Quality Improvement Project Monitoring (QI-PM) is a web- and mobile-based application used by QI teams at the health facility to track progress of their site’s QI projects over time. District- and regional-level QI teams and advisors also use the app to monitor QI activities across geographies in one centralized location. A QI project’s progress on key indicator performance can be visualized on the app’s inbuilt run charts. Data across projects, sites, and all countries implementing the app are visualized on a PowerBI dashboard used to analyze tested changes and identify promising practices across health facilities, districts, regions, countries, and programmatic areas (e.g. PrEP).

POA-PM App | Tracks POA projects’ management and performance

Program Optimization Approach Project Monitoring (POA-PM) is a web-based project management tool that enables teams to track POA project progress on interventions, activities, and key indicator performance over time. Teams also store meeting notes, activity descriptions, and project documents in the app so all key information is in one convenient location. In one click, the POA-PM project entry can be downloaded into a concise Word Document to simplify reporting.

DISC App | Monitoring and strengthening TA across sites

Data Informed Supervision & Coaching (DISC) is a mobile tool for monitoring EGPAF’s TA activities across sites. By documenting TA action plans, collecting data on TA activity status, and visualizing TA performance, areas for further progress and follow-up are elucidated. Sites and TA stakeholders use these findings to inform TA management. The enhanced monitoring facilitated by DISC enables sites to receive stronger TA which in turn boosts the quality of services offered to clients.




Program Optimization; Strengthening Local Capacity