Are we there yet? 40 years of successes and challenges for children and adolescents living with HIV
In recognition of World Children’s Day on 20 November and this year’s theme of A Better Future for Every Child, we have compiled a virtual special issue related to infants, children, and adolescents growing up with and at risk for HIV around the world. The scope of the pediatric HIV field has evolved from preventing vertical transmission, to coping with the complications of early and late diagnosis, to treatment and transition for older adolescents – all while expanding to address HIV prevention and reproductive health. We are [too] slowly coming to appreciate that young people are technical experts on their own health concerns, and how we need to respect their leadership in local and global HIV responses. As we consider the promise of new drugs and emerging technologies to improve care, we must remain vigilant that they are optimized for children and adolescents as well as for adults.
The articles reflect the perennial complexities of ensuring secure futures for children living with and at risk for HIV, and offer us insights into how to focus our research and policy efforts.
Rachel C Vreeman, Natella Y Rakhmanina, Winstone M Nyandiko, Thanyawee Puthanakit, Rami Kantor
Pediatric HIV Diagnosis, Care & Treatment