Provision of Services and Care for HIV-exposed Infants
Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health
This Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation-funded observational prospective cohort study aimed to compare the effectiveness of the Maternal and Child Health (MCH) Model to the Comprehensive Care Clinic (CCC) Model in Kenya. Results from this study were used to inform the Ministry of Health’s plan for national services for HIV-exposed infants.
Data Collection Period: April 2008 – April 2009
1) Findings presented at the 16th International Conference on AIDS and STIs in Africa, December 2011: “Provision of services and care for HIV-exposed infants: A comparison of maternal and child (MCH) clinics and comprehensive care centre (CCC) models”
2) Findings published in the Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, September 2012: “Provision of services and care for HIV-exposed infants: a comparison of maternal and child health clinic and HIV comprehensive care clinic models”