Completed | December 2017

PMTCT Program Effectiveness among Women and Infants in Lesotho (PEA-WIL Study)




Subject Matter:

Pediatric and Adolescent Testing, Care, and Treatment; PMTCT and HIV-free Survival

This USAID-funded study aimed to determine the HIV incidence, HIV transmission, and HIV-free survival rate among cohorts of HIV-negative and HIV-positive pregnant women and their infants after the implementation of WHO Option B+ in Lesotho. The study used a prospective cohort design to determine factors associated with HIV infection acquisition, survival, and disease progression from antenatal care to 24 months after delivery.

Data Collection Period: January 2014 – September 2018

Findings published in PLOS ONE, December 2018: “HIV incidence among pregnant and postpartum women in a high prevalence setting”.

  1. Findings presented at the 21st International AIDS Conference, July 2016: “Viral suppression among HIV-positive women starting antiretroviral therapy (ART) before or during pregnancy in Lesotho
  2. Findings presented at the 9th International AIDS Society Conference, July 2017: “Shifting dynamics of HIV transmission timing among infants in the era of option B+ and implications for infant testing
  3. Findings presented at the 9th International Workshop on HIV Pediatrics, July 2017: “Shifting dynamics of HIV transmission timing among infants in the era of option B+ and implications for infant testing”
  4. Findings presented at the 22nd International AIDS Conference, July 2018: “Birth outcomes and HIV-free survival with Option B+ in Lesotho: Results from an observational prospective cohort study
  5. Findings presented at the 10th International Workshop on HIV Pediatrics, July 2018: “Birth outcomes and HIV-free survival with Option B+ in Lesotho: Results from an observational prospective cohort study”
  6. Findings published in PLOS ONE, December 2018: “HIV incidence among pregnant and postpartum women in a high prevalence setting
  7. Findings published in PLOS ONE, December 2019: “Comparison of 6-week PMTCT outcomes for HIV-exposed and HIV-unexposed infants in the era of lifelong ART: Results from an observational prospective cohort study
  8. Findings published in the Journal of the International AIDS Society, December 2020: “24-Month HIV-free survival among HIV-exposed Infants in Lesotho: the PEAWIL cohort study
  9. Findings presented at the 13th International Workshop on HIV Pediatrics, July 2021: “Determinants of HIV-free survival in the era of lifelong universal antiretroviral therapy (ART): pooled analysis of PEAWIL and IMPROVE studies, Lesotho”
  10. Findings presented at the 11th International AIDS Society Conference, July 2021: “Determinants of HIV-free survival in the era of lifelong universal antiretroviral therapy (ART): pooled analysis of PEAWIL and IMPROVE studies, Lesotho