The Kabeho Study: Kigali Antiretroviral and Breastfeeding Assessment for the Elimination of HIV
Maternal, Newborn, and Child Health; PMTCT and HIV-free Survival
This USAID-funded study aimed to determine 24-month HIV-free survival in a cohort of children born to approximately 600 HIV-positive pregnant women in Rwanda. The study examined factors associated with infant nutritional outcomes and ART adherence among study women and their HIV-exposed children. It also documented birth outcomes among study infants exposed to triple drug ART regimens in utero. The study utilized a prospective observational cohort design and collected individual and facility data through a mixed methods approach to determine clinical outcomes, assess implementation successes and challenges, and gather recommendations for program improvement.
Data Collection Period: April 2013 – May 2016
- Findings presented at the 20th International AIDS Conference, July 2014: “Promising adherence results in the context of lifelong ART implementation in the Kabeho study in Kigali, Rwanda“
- Findings presented at the 22nd Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections, February 2015: “Maternal Viral Load in the Context of PMTCT B+ Within the Kabeho Study in Kigali“
- Findings presented at the 8th International AIDS Society Conference, July 2015: “HIV-free survival at six weeks in a cohort of children born to HIV-positive mothers enrolled in Option B+ in Kigali: the Kabeho study“
- Findings presented at the 21st International AIDS Conference, July 2016: “Results from the Kigali Antiretroviral and Breastfeeding Assessment for the Elimination of HIV (Kabeho) Study”
- Findings presented at the 21st International AIDS Conference, July 2016: “Exclusive breastfeeding among HIV-positive mothers receiving lifelong ART from PMTCT clinics in Kigali, Rwanda“
- Findings presented at the 21st International AIDS Conference, July 2016: “Retention-in-care from delivery through 18 months postpartum among HIV-positive mothers receiving lifelong ART in Kigali, Rwanda“
- Findings published in PLOS ONE, December 2016: “Detectable Viral Load in Late Pregnancy among Women in the Rwanda Option B+ PMTCT Program: Enrollment Results from the Kabeho Study“
- Findings presented at the Human Biology Association Meeting, April 2017: “Determinants of Growth Trajectories in HIV-exposed and Uninfected Infants”
- Findings published in AIDS Patient Care and STDs, April 2017: “Understanding Antiretroviral Treatment Adherence Among HIV-Positive Women at Four Postpartum Time Intervals: Qualitative Results from the Kabeho Study in Rwanda“
- Findings published in Medicine, December 2017: “24-month HIV-free survival among infants born to HIV-positive women enrolled in Option B+ program in Kigali, Rwanda“
- Findings published in Maternal and Child Nutrition, January 2019: “Determinants of growth in HIV-exposed and HIV-uninfected infants in the Kabeho Study“
- Findings presented at the 23rd International AIDS Conference, July 2020: “Individual and facility-level factors associated with interruption in HIV care and treatment among pregnant and postpartum women in the Kabeho Study in Kigali, Rwanda“
- Findings presented at the 23rd International AIDS Conference, July 2020: “Interruption patterns in HIV clinic visits and treatment failure among pregnant and postpartum women in the Kabeho Study in Kigali, Rwanda“
- Paper published in Journal of AIDS and HIV Treatement, October 2023: “A Longitudinal Assessment of Interruptions in HIV Clinic Visits and Virologic Failure among Pregnant and Postpartum Women in the Kabeho Study”