Completed | June 2022

Acceptability of Lifelong Treatment (Option B+) among HIV-Positive Pregnant and Lactating Women in Selected Sites in Malawi




Subject Matter:

PMTCT and HIV-free Survival

This study, funded by the Dance Marathon at UCLA, explored the acceptability of lifelong antiretroviral therapy (ART) among pregnant and lactating women (Option B+) in Malawi. Study staff conducted interviews and focus group discussions among eligible women and health workers to better understand facilitators and barriers to enrollment in HIV treatment.

Data Collection Period: 09/2013 – 12/2013

Publications and Presentations:

  1. Findings presented at the 20th International AIDS Conference, July 2014: “Acceptability of lifelong treatment (Option B+) among HIV-positive pregnant and lactating women in Selected Sites in Malawi
  2. Findings published in the Journal of the International AIDS Society, June 2016: “HIV-positive pregnant and postpartum women’s perspectives about Option B+ in Malawi: a qualitative study
  3. Findings published in Reproductive Health, October 2017: “Echoes of old HIV paradigms: reassessing the problem of engaging men in HIV testing and treatment through women’s perspectives