The LiveFree Project
Under this five-year CDC/PEPFAR-funded project, EGPAF-Zambia worked closely with the Ministry of Health to provide technical assistance and build capacity in strategic information and evaluation. We supported all aspects of the electronic health record system, SmartCare, including: development, implementation, training, management; strategic and programmatic input; and procurement of computer equipment, software, and hardware to ensure high-functioning capacity. This system resulted in improved patient follow-up and tracking, data analysis and has informed many national HIV/AIDS program improvements. The goal of this project was to increase the number of patients remaining on treatment.
Through LiveFree, EGPAF also supported the Tisamala teen mentorship project – an adaptation of a South African peer education project – which offers psychosocial support and life skills development to HIV-positive adolescents. The project aims to improve HIV knowledge among adolescents, and provide them with psychological support, enabling them to better cope with the process of telling friends and family about their HIV-status and the attached stigma of being HIV-positive. The mentorship program is currently implemented in the Lusaka, Kafue, Chongwe, and Nyimba districts. EGPAF also works with local community-based organizations to implement the Mbuya DAISEY program, which trains counselors to lead support groups for caregivers of HIV-positive children who are not yet aware of their HIV status.