Survive and Thrive Project








The Survive and Thrive project, funded by the Conrad J. Hilton Foundation, aims to support healthy early childhood development for children under five by targeting children infected and affected by HIV/AIDS in high HIV prevalence areas of Lusaka Province. Interventions under this project include supportive services that assist caregivers and clinicians to understand the importance of early childhood development and provide a continuum of care for children to reach their full cognitive, social, emotional and physical potential.

In Zambia, the project is entering its second phase. The first phase established early childhood development (ECD) centers at Mt. Makulu and Mandevu pediatric clinics. The goal of the second phase is to sustain gains, while transferring responsibilities to ensure continuation of established ECD services. Project activities include integration of ECD in routine health services, such as maternal and child health care; ongoing trainings on early childhood development for health workers, community volunteers and teachers in Lusaka; and development of a national ECD strategy.