Strengthening Clinical Services (SCS) Project (USAID/PEPFAR)








The Strengthening Clinical Services (SCS) Project is made possible through support from the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR) and the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID). Under SCS, EGPAF supports Lesotho’s MOH to provide a comprehensive HIV service package in more than 140 sites. In 2011, Lesotho achieved the first of its primary SCS goals: scaling up PMTCT services to all public and private facilities nationwide. EGPAF is working to establish universal access to adult and pediatric HIV/AIDS care services and 90% facility coverage for adult and pediatric ART services by 2015.

As the MOH’s key implementing partner for HIV/AIDS clinical services in Lesotho, EGPAF also plays a strong technical assistance role, nationally. EGPAF participates in all relevant national technical working groups and technical advisory committees, and serves as co-lead of the PMTCT national technical working group. EGPAF supports the MOH by leading and participating in the drafting and revision of national guidelines, training materials, and policies.

EGPAF has supported the MOH to successfully integrate HIV/AIDS services with maternal, neonatal, and child health services in health facilities. EGPAF also supported the creation of a national cervical cancer screening program at the Senkatana Center at Botshabello Hospital.