Delivering Technical Assistance Project (DELTA)
EGPAF is implementing two projects under the CDC Project Delta mechanism
2016 Young Adult Survey of Zimbabwe: EGPAF, with U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) funding, is completing a technical assistance assignment by conducting the Young Adult Survey of Zimbabwe. This survey will to estimate the current prevalence of HIV in children and youth, as well as the magnitude of violence and other risk factors in order to inform efforts by stakeholders to reduce violence against children and improve child health in Zimbabwe.
Continuing Support for Facility and District Level QI/QM in Zimbabwe: EGPAF continues to provide essential support to strengthen quality improvement (QI) and quality management activities at the national, district, and site level in select CDC-supported districts in Zimbabwe. This guidance contributes to the ongoing scale-up and sustainability of Zimbabwe’s National QI Program and the adoption of coaching/mentorship activities at facility and district levels in country.