Comprehensive HIV/AIDS Service Expansion Project: The CHASE Project Lesotho
EGPAF, in collaboration with Baylor College of Medicine Children’s Foundation-Lesotho and the Lesotho Network of AIDS Service Organizations, is supporting Lesotho’s Ministry of Health and district health teams to provide the comprehensive HIV service package in more than 125 sites in Maseru, Mafeteng, Mokhotlong, Thaba Tseka, Butha Buthe, and Mohale’s Hoek districts. Of these, EGPAF is providing direct site-level services at 83 sites and technical assistance to the rest of the sites to maintain quality services. The package of services includes HIV counseling and testing, PMTCT services, adult and pediatric TB and TB/HIV care and treatment, adult and pediatric HIV care and treatment, integrated MNCH and HIV services, reproductive health (including cervical cancer screening and prevention) services, nutrition support, health systems strengthening, community engagement, community-clinic linkages, and strategic information and evaluation. The overall goal of CHASE is to sustainably reduce HIV transmission and related morbidity and mortality by strengthening coverage of integrated and comprehensive HIV prevention, care, and treatment services in order to reverse Lesotho’s HIV epidemic by the end of 2020. CHASE is made possible by PEPFAR through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) funding.