Statement from Chip Lyons on Kaiser/UNAIDS Study Revealing Decline in HIV Funding from Majority of Donor Governments
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Media Contacts: Eric Kilongi: or +254 735 702-701, Ryan Henson: or +1 (202) 280-1537
Durban, South Africa July 19, 2016 — The Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation (EGPAF) expresses concern with the new Kaiser/UNAIDS data showing reduction in HIV funding from many donor governments.
“Victory over HIV is within our sights. We have come too far to go back on the promise to end AIDS,” said Charles Lyons, President and CEO of EGPAF.
“This news comes after the launch of a new global framework, Start Free, Stay Free, AIDS Free, which set an ambitious goal of ending the AIDS epidemic among young women, children and adolescents by 2020. Lack of funding will compromise our ability to meet this target and our commitment to end AIDS as public health threat by 2030”
About the Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation (EGPAF):
EGPAF is the global leader in the fight against pediatric HIV/ AIDS and has reached more than 24 million women with services to prevent transmission of HIV to their babies. In 2015 -2016, EGPAF is supporting activities in 19 countries and more than 6,000 sites to implement prevention, care, and treatment services; to further advance innovative research; and to execute global advocacy activities that bring dramatic change to the lives of millions of women, children, and families worldwide. For more information, visit