Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation Featured in Ground-Breaking “Giving Library”
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August 14, 2012
Contact: Jane Coaston, 202-280-1648, jcoaston@pedaids.org
Online Philanthropy Project Provides Information on Leading Non-Profits
August 14, 2012, Washington, D.C. – The Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation is pleased to be a part of an innovative project that will offer the public valuable information on top non-profit organizations. Developed by the Laura and John Arnold Foundation (LJAF), the Giving Library offers hundreds of easy-to-view videos from non-profit leaders to help philanthropists network and learn more about opportunities to support these organizations.
The Giving Library offers philanthropists an innovative way to enhance their strategic charitable giving. Donors can explore the online archive of video interviews to locate, study, compare, and engage with hundreds of non-profit organizations across the country. The Giving Library also serves non-profit organizations by enhancing donor access through a compelling medium, increasing overall visibility, and providing an opportunity to learn about peer organizations across the country. "There is not currently a way for philanthropists to quickly but substantively look into a large number of giving opportunities, and we intend for this new site to address that need. Individuals that use the Giving Library will be able to easily locate, study, and engage organizations that fit their giving criteria," says LJAF Director of Communications, Meredith Johnson. "What would have taken months or even years of meetings and travel can now be done in a matter of days, from anywhere, with just a computer."
On the EGPAF Giving Library profile, Foundation President and CEO Chip Lyons offers his perspectives on the Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation’s goals, accomplishments, challenges, and need for more resources. Viewers can learn more about the Foundation’s history and current activities, and the page features contact information and links for interested donors in search of more information.
We look forward to seeing the Giving Library grow as a resource for philanthropists, and we are grateful for the opportunity to participate in such a creative endeavor.
About the Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation (EGPAF):
The Foundation is a global leader in the fight against pediatric HIV/AIDS, reaching more than 14 million women with services to prevent transmission of HIV to their babies. It currently works at more than 5,600 sites and in 15 countries to implement prevention, care, and treatment services; to advance innovative research; and to execute global advocacy activities in order to bring dramatic change to the lives of millions of women, children, and families worldwide. For more information, visit pedaids.org.