

The Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation (EGPAF) has been in partnership with Solidarity and Action Against The HIV Infection in India (SAATHII) since 2002. The EGPAF-India program complements the Indian government’s programs by reaching unreached populations, specifically children accessing the private and faith-based hospitals.
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The public-private partnership (PPP) model is unique to the India program, and was launched in 2009 by SAATHII as a strategy for increasing cost efficiency and expanding access to PMTCT services to women attending ANC and delivering in private facilities. The model involves a three-way collaboration between a government entity (thus far the State AIDS Control Agencies in the states of Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka and Maharashtra), a private hospital, and a technical agency. Today, EGPAF’s presence in India is centered around the Catalyzing Pediatric TB Innovations (CaP TB) project. CaP TB is a four-year project, funded and supported by Unitaid and implemented in India by SAATHII and EGPAF. It aims to reduce pediatric TB morbidity and mortality in India through a collaboration with SAATHII, as well as nine sub-Saharan African countries. Due to its close and comprehensive work with the Ministry of Health, as well as private providers, SAATHII is well-positioned to bring innovative solutions to tackle childhood TB using the network built through its expansion of pediatric HIV testing and diagnosis to optimize access to vulnerable and high-risk populations. Building on existing project work, SAATHII aims to increase coverage of children with new pediatric first-line FDCs and promote the introduction of innovative tools and service delivery models for pediatric TB. This work will be focused in 84 pediatric sites in private health sector in Maharashtra, Telangana and Andhra Pradesh that serve as treatment hubs, serving over 1,000 smaller surrounding health centers.
