Fátima Ptacek
Actress Fátima Ptacek became involved with the Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation (EGPAF) in 2012 after learning about the devastating impact HIV/AIDS has on children.
Inspired by EGPAF’s work to saves the lives of millions of HIV-positive people around the world, Fatima decided to share our mission with her fans and encourage young people to join the effort to achieve an AIDS-free generation.
“Education and advocacy are so important to solving this issue. Social media is a great way for young people learn about HIV/AIDS, how it is spread, and what they can do to help others in need. My generation has the power to end pediatric HIV right at our finger tips.”
Fátima currently represents EGPAF as an ambassador, attending events and encouraging her fans to get involved in the global fight to eliminate pediatric HIV through social media.
You can follow her on Twitter and Facebook. Fátima is best known for her lead role in the Academy Award-winning 2012 film, Curfew, and her role as the voice of Dora in Dora the Explorer, the Emmy Award-winning show that airs on the Nickelodeon television network.
Text last updated: 2013 / Photo last updated: 2017