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Alpha Epsilon Phi
Alpha Epsilon Phi named EGPAF as one of their national philanthropic partners to honor our co-founders Elizabeth Glaser and Susie Zeegen, who were both members of AEPhi. Today, across collegiate campuses nationwide, AEPhi chapters raise funds and awareness for our mission.
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Through strong partnership with and investment from BMGF, EGPAF is working closely with ministries of health in Malawi, Cote d’Ivoire, and Lesotho to strengthen decentralized services for advanced HIV disease, develop a pediatric AHD toolkit, and generate evidence to improve health outcomes.
CDC Foundation
Recognizing the burden that advanced HIV disease (AHD) has on people living with HIV, the CDC Foundation teamed with EGPAF to better understand the cascade of clinical care provided to patients presenting with AHD as well as to survey the availability of new AHD diagnostic and treatment products in Malawi and Tanzania. Further collaboration took place in Zimbabwe, where EGPAF worked with the Ministry of Health and Childcare to update AHD national guidelines and introduce tools to prevent, diagnose, and treat cryptococcal infections and cryptococcal meningitis in ten facilities.
Communications Workers of America
Members of CWA annually raise critical funds and awareness for EGPAF, which has been the union’s Charity of Choice since 1990.
Conrad N. Hilton Foundation
The Hilton Foundation and EGPAF have been decade-long partners on the sustainable integration of early childhood development (ECD) services in East Africa. Currently, the Hilton Foundation funds EGPAF’s Malezi III project which provides technical assistance to the Government of Tanzania to integrate nurturing care into the health system at the national and regional level.
Drugs for Neglected Diseases Initiative
DNDi and EGPAF collaborated in a critical partnership to streamline and accelerate use of new, child-friendly ART formulations. Working in Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda in recent years, DNDi supported EGPAF in our development of new tools for improved control of pediatric HIV and support increased uptake of solid lopinavir/ritonavir, while preparing for introduction of dispersible dolutegravir formulations.
The ELMA Philanthropy Services
ELMA is one of the world’s largest private foundations with a mission to improve the lives of African children and youth through support of sustainable efforts to relieve poverty, advance education, and promote health. EGPAF has been a partner to ELMA since 2015, implementing projects to improve pediatric and adolescent HIV identification, linkage, retention in care, and treatment in Uganda, Cote d’Ivoire, and Kenya.
FIND and EGPAF have partnered on several projects in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, utilizing EGPAF’s decades of experience in epidemic prevention and control as a technical leader in the global fight against HIV/AIDS and FIND’s global efforts and expertise in diagnostics. In Cameroon, FIND’s initial investment provided COVID mass testing for the Africa Cup of Nations; a second investment provided digital tools for COVID contact tracing evaluation. In Kenya, FIND funded COVID rapid diagnostics community testing operational research.
For over a decade, Gilead has steadfastly championed innovative and impactful initiatives aimed at combatting HIV and AIDS, through a robust partnership investing over $1.2M USD. This has been further solidified through Gilead’s involvement in EGPAF’s Innovation Incubator, reflecting their shared commitment to transformative progress.
The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria
The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, TB and Malaria is a central player investing in ending the HIV/AIDS epidemic. EGPAF is a strategic partner providing technical assistance to achieve country-level targets in TB and HIV programs, as well as a key thought and advocacy partner engaging at the Board level and in country coordinating bodies to ensure children and families are central components of investments.
Jewelers for Children
JFC unites the global jewelry industry in the mission of helping children in need, and annually raising funds for legacy nonprofit partners including EGPAF.
Johnson & Johnson
J&J has been a steadfast partner of EGPAF in our work to end AIDS in children, youth and families for 30 years. Most recently, J&J supports the New Horizons Advancing Pediatric HIV Care Collaborative, a multi-sector coordinated effort aimed at improving and scaling-up pediatric and adolescent HIV/AIDS care and treatment through increased awareness, research, health systems strengthening, and access to HIV/AIDS medicines.
The Keith Haring Foundation, Inc.
The Keith Haring Foundation has invested in EGPAF’s mission since the mid-2000s, including partnering on our “Heroes for an AIDS-free Generation” campaign. In 2021, they announced a recommitment with another $1 million grant through 2024 to further the shared goal of ending AIDS.
Millennium Challenge Corporation (MCC)
The MCC Health Systems Strengthening (HSS), Primary Health Care (PHC) and Counter Gender-Based Violence (GBV) Support project will allow for the strengthening of key elements of the PHC system, such as increasing the capacity of Lesotho’s Ministry of Health and 10 health districts, fortifying patient registration and referral systems, improving staff clinical competencies and supervision, integrating budget and financial reporting systems, and increasing coordination across all levels of health care staff.
EGPAF is newly partnered with Luke International (LIN) in Malawi through PATH’s Digital Square Initiative, which seeks to collaborate with ministries of health to support countries to innovatively select and adapt digital tools. Together, LIN and EGPAF are working on the development of a National Electronic Immunization Registry with the Malawi Ministry of Health. By doing so, Malawi and other countries can better navigate the complexities of pandemics and strengthen routine immunization systems.
Swedish Research Council
The Swedish Research Council is a strategic partner for EGPAF to conduct a critical implementation of an integrated maternal, child health, and early childhood development intervention at the community level in Tanzania as part of a randomized controlled trial.
U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID)
USAID has been a key partner of EGPAF since 2002, supporting our organization’s critical comprehensive HIV, TB, and more recently COVID-19 work. Currently, our USAID portfolio includes innovative HIV and TB activities across Africa in DRC, Eswatini, Lesotho, Tanzania, and Uganda.
U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
EGPAF has had a long and successful history working with the CDC, both on global awards (including the current DELTA2 TA award) and bilaterals. Our collaboration has resulted in accelerated progress toward HIV epidemic control, expanded TB identification and treatment, and strengthened technical exchange in-country. Current CDC bilateral cooperative agreements include projects in Cameroon, Cote d’Ivoire, Lesotho, Malawi, and Mozambique with CDC-funded sub-awards in Kenya.
U.S. Department of Defense (DoD)
EGPAF and the U.S. DoD have partnered on Elikya and its follow on – Elikya2 – in the DRC. These projects have contributed to sustained epidemic control for members of FARDC by working to reduce the number of HIV infections and other sexually transmitted infections for members of FARDC, their families, and civilian communities served by FARDC. DoD, support has allowed EGPAF to increase our impact in the DRC.
Created in 2006 as a hosted partnership of the WHO, Unitaid’s mission is to maximize the effectiveness of the global health response by catalyzing equitable access to better health products. EGPAF has been a key partner to Unitaid since 2015, leading projects including the point-of-care early infant diagnosis (POC EID), Catalyzing Pediatric TB Innovations (CaP TB), and Catalyzing COVID-19 Action (CCA) projects.
ViiV Healthcare
As a leading company specializing in the care and treatment of people living with HIV, ViiV is a key ally in the fight for an AIDS-free generation for over a decade. Since 2020, EGPAF has been a coordinating partner in the Breakthrough Partnership to locate, link and provide treatment to mothers and children living with or at risk of HIV, in Mozambique, Nigeria, Uganda, Cameroon, and Tanzania.
WHO and EGPAF have successfully collaborated to provide technical assistance and expertise for development of guidelines and toolkits for an array of health areas, including pediatric TB, Triple Elimination, and HIV prevention and care for adolescent girls and young women.