Delivering Technical Assistance (DELTA) Project
To build local capacity and sustain gains of national and international HIV/AIDS programs, EGPAF launched the DELTA project in 2013 with PEPFAR/CDC funding. The purpose of DELTA is to provide targeted and cost-effective technical assistance and program implementation expertise in PMTCT and pediatric and adult HIV care and treatment service programs in high-HIV prevalence settings. The following DELTA initiatives are currently underway:
Extension for Community Healthcare and Outcomes (ECHO): Under this project, EGPAF is collaborating with Lighthouse to pilot the ECHO mentorship model in Malawi to develop and demonstrate an effective telehealth clinical mentorship model for HIV care and treatment in a resource-constrained setting.
Adaptation and Evaluation of the PMTCT Community Score Card (CSC) Approach in Dedza and Ntcheu Districts: The main goal of the CSC intervention is to positively influence the quality, efficiency, and accountability with which health services are provided, to ultimately strengthen maternal retention on ART, change in maternal retention across the PMTCT service cascade, and uptake of EID services within two districts.