Catalyzing Pediatric Tuberculosis Innovation (CaP TB) in Lesotho
Globally, an estimated one million children are in need of treatment for tuberculosis (TB), yet only 39% are diagnosed and reported to national TB programs. Little has been done to expand access to case identification, innovative diagnostic tools or child-friendly treatments that are now available.
CaP TB is a four-year project funded and supported by Unitaid, which aims to contribute to the reduction in pediatric TB morbidity and mortality in nine sub-Saharan African countries (Cameroon, Côte d’Ivoire, DRC, Kenya, Lesotho, Malawi, Tanzania, Uganda, and Zimbabwe) and India.
EGPAF has supported the scale-up of prevention of mother- to-child transmission (PMTCT), HIV diagnosis, care and treatment, and integrated HIV/TB services and has been a key health service implementing partner to the MOH in Lesotho since 2004. With over 800 highly-trained staff working to support 165 sites across all 10 districts, EGPAF is currently implementing two five-year, PEPFAR-funded comprehensive HIV and TB care and treatment projects and has been a key implementer of Unitaid’s point-of-care early infant diagnosis (POC EID) project. Due to its close and comprehensive work with the MOH, EGPAF is well-positioned to bring innovative solutions through CaP TB to tackle childhood TB, and will use the network built through the expansion of pediatric HIV testing and diagnosis to optimize access to vulnerable and high-risk populations. Building on existing project work and partnerships with the government and local organizations, EGPAF will ensure increased coverage of new pediatric first- line FDTs and promote the introduction of innovative tools and service delivery models for pediatric TB. This work will be focused in 40 high-TB burden sites across five districts.
Pediatric HIV Diagnosis, Care & Treatment; Tuberculosis