Completed | December 2017

The Barriers to ART Initiation for Eligible HIV-positive Pregnant Women in Swaziland




Subject Matter:

PMTCT and HIV-free Survival

This EGPAF-funded qualitative study explored the barriers and facilitators that encouraged or discouraged HIV-positive women from enrolling in ART programs in Eswatini.

Data Collection Period: July-September 2011

  1. Findings presented at the 7th International AIDS Society Conference, July 2013: “Barriers to antiretroviral therapy (ART) initiation for treatment-eligible HIV-positive pregnant women in Swaziland
  2. Findings published in BMC Public Health, October 2016: “Lessons learned from the PMTCT program in Swaziland: challenges with accepting lifelong ART for pregnant and lactating women – a qualitative study