Advanced HIV disease in children (a case-based webinar)
- To provide an overview of the WHO guidance on Advanced HIV disease in children
- To discuss actual cases and guide health workers on the systematic approach to the diagnosis and management of AHD in children.
- To discuss how programmes overcome challenges and implementation considerations for the STOP AIDS package in children.
Welcome and session framing – Wole Ameyan, WHO HQ
Brief overview of the 2023 WHO-ECHO webinar series – Ivy Kasirye, WHO HQ
Overview of the WHO guidelines on Advanced HIV disease in children – Ajay Rangaraj, WHO HQ
Case 1: Younger child (<5 years old) – Dr. Lydia Mpango, EGPAF Eswatini
Case 2: Older child (>5 years old) – Dr Atusaye Tesiwa, Tingathe Program, Baylor Children’s Clinical Centre of Excellence, Malawi and Ulemu Sopa, Tingathe Program, Baylor Children’s Clinical Centre of Excellence, Malawi
Panel discussion – Dr. Martha Mukaminega (EGPAF), Katie Simon (Tingathe Program, Baylor Children’s Clinical Centre of Excellence, Malawi), Ajay Rangaraj (WHO HQ), Dr. Raphael Adu-Gyamfi (NACP Ghana)
Wrap up – Ivy Kasirye, WHO
Advanced HIV Disease; Pediatric HIV Diagnosis, Care & Treatment