Syndromic Surveillance Survey of COVID-19 in Malawi
Adult Testing, Care, and Treatment; COVID-19; Pediatric and Adolescent Testing, Care, and Treatment
The aim of this CDC-funded study is to assess recent and current experiences of flu-like/COVID-like symptoms, death, access to routine health services, and knowledge related to COVID-19 through a telephone survey in Malawi. Structured questionnaires will be administered in two populations: 1) the general population; and 2) people living with HIV in ART care at EGPAF-supported facilities.
Data Collection Period: 07/2020 – 12/2021
Publications and Presentations:
- Findings presented at the 28th Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections, March 2021: “Syndromic Surveillance for COVID-19 and Health Care Access among ART Patients, Malawi“