CaP TB Pediatric Contact Tracing Trial
Cameroon; Uganda
This Unitaid-funded CaP TB intervention consists of a community-based screening of tuberculosis household child contacts and community-based initiation and management of preventive therapy (PT). The cascade of care for the screening and management of PT and the cascade of care for the detection of tuberculosis among symptomatic contact children will be compared between 10 intervention sites and 10 control sites in two TB high-burden countries, Uganda and Cameroon.
Data Collection Period: 05/2019 – 06/2022
Publications and Presentations:
- Findings presented at the 52nd Union World Conference on Lung Health, October 2021: “Safety of the 3-month rifampicin-isoniazid TB preventive therapy in household child contacts”
- Findings presented at the 52nd Union World Conference on Lung Health, October 2021: “Acceptability and feasibility of TB screening in household child contacts and preventive therapy management in Cameroon and Uganda”
- Findings published in BMC Pilot and Feasibility Studies, February 2022: “Feasibility of a randomized clinical trial evaluating a community intervention for household tuberculosis child contact management in Cameroon and Uganda”
- Findings published in The Lancet Global Health, October 2023: “Effectiveness of a community-based approach for the investigation and management of children with household tuberculosis contact in Cameroon and Uganda: a cluster-randomised trial”
- Findings published in The Lancet Global Health, October 2023: “Cost-effectiveness of community-based household tuberculosis contact management for children in Cameroon and Uganda: a modelling analysis of a cluster-randomised trial”
- Findings published in the Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome (JAIDS), April 2024: “Integration of HIV Testing in a Community Intervention for Tuberculosis Screening Among Household Contacts of Patients with Tuberculosis in Cameroon and Uganda”