Completed | June 2022

Experiences of Adolescents and Youth about HIV Testing and Linkage to Care in EGPAF-Supported Health Facilities in Homa Bay County, Kenya




Subject Matter:

Pediatric and Adolescent Testing, Care, and Treatment

The goal of this study, funded by ViiV Healthcare’s Positive Action for Children Fund, was to evaluate the experiences and level of satisfaction with an adolescent, youth (AY)-specific comprehensive linkage to care and early retention program, the “Red Carpet”, among AY in Homa Bay County, Kenya. Results from this qualitative study were used to inform program scaleup on the national level.

Data Collection Period: 06/2018 – 06/2018

Publications and Presentations:

  1. Paper published in Plos One, January 2024: “Experiences of adolescents and youth with HIV testing and linkage to care through the Red Carpet Program (RCP) in Kenya”