Dominican Republic


The Dominican Republic has well controlled its HIV/AIDS epidemic (click here to read more about the epidemic profile in the Dominican Republic). In the early 2000’s, the Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation (EGPAF) worked alongside the country’s Health Ministry to reach this level of control.

Our Work

As of June 2006, EGPAF was beginning to support HIV and AIDS programming in the Dominican Republic. Working in accordance with the Ministry of Health, EGPAF advocated for and offered technical assistance to integrate HIV counseling, testing, and antiretroviral prophylaxis and treatment into existing health, and in particular maternal and child health, structures. Our work focused on national health system capacity building efforts focused on HIV counseling techniques, treatment services in line with globally recommended regimens, infant feeding within and outside the context of HIV, the offering of psychosocial support and the care and treatment of opportunistic infections. We’ve also strengthened infrastructure in the Dominican, upgrading clinic settings and commodity stock supply management.