May 2019

A Knowledge Room Provides a Safe Space

“I make friends with everybody, even the police, so that people like me and my friends don’t get hurt,” says Dickens. He is the peer counselor for men who has sex with men (known as MSM), a distinct minority in Uganda, where  stigma and homophobic violence often deter sexual minorities from accessing HIV services. According to the latest data, HIV prevalence among men who have sex with men is 13 percent in Uganda.

For years Dickens has brought together young men for HIV services. Now he does so at the Knowledge Room, a bright orange refurbished shipping container situated in the Rubaare Trading Center in southwest Uganda. The Knowledge Room serves members of key populations, including MSMs and sex workers. It is supported by the Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation (EGPAF) through the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), RHITES SW project. The room is equipped with a pool table and a television, making it an ideal hang-out spot.  It is staffed by health workers and social workers who provide HIV services. The center also provides free condoms, lubricant, and pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP).

“The Knowledge Room is a recreational facility that provides health education and information,” says Team Leader Alice Berigija. “For example, young people will come and play games, watch movies—and in between, we start health talks on HIV and AIDS, about who is at risk and how they can receive services, including confidential counseling, testing, and treatment.

“It is a small community, so we are careful about how we handle each individual,” says Berigija. “If a client needs to go to the health center, we make sure they are escorted to reduce waiting times and to counter stigma. Alice emphasizes that the Knowledge Room staff work closely with the local health center to ensure clients are well served. They conduct outreaches together and document and share data.

Dickens likes the Knowledge Room because he can refer young men there, and they don’t have to worry about being discriminated against. They can have fun and learn about how to stay safe. For those who are not able to come to the Knowledge Room, Dickens arms himself with all forms of protection, condoms and PrEP, to distribute in the community.

Created by:

Amanda Agaba Ntambiko




Male Involvement