An Adolescent-Friendly Clinic in Cote d’Ivoire
On Friday, May 4th, the Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation (EGAPF) in Côte d’Ivoire hosted an inauguration ceremony in collaboration with Foundation MTN to celebrate the opening of the very first adolescent-friendly clinic within one of its high-volume sites, Hôpital General of Koumassi. The event was attended by representatives from the Ministry of Health, regional and districts health managers, the local mayor, other implementing partners, and the adolescents peer educators group members. This initiative is a dream come true that started two years ago through a partnership between EGPAF and Mobile Telephone Network Foundation (MTN) as a means to provide an easy access for adolescent health within EGPAF’s program.

According to CDI’s National Health Demographic Report, no less than 25,000 new HIV infections are detected each year — and adolescents represent a high burden of those numbers.
EGPAF’s approach is to promote an active participation of adolescents in general and in particular those infected by HIV to their care through regular access to information, care and support and treatment for all pathologies but especially for HIV/AIDS.
The primary target population is HIV-positive adolescents aged 10-19 years who will have a dedicated area to receive their care and treatment as well as all necessary information on HIV services available, STDs or other health related issues of concern to adolescents.
This center is also equipped with computers and internet access to be managed by peer educators and offers an opportunity to adolescents to surf the net, get age-appropriate health information and have access to support groups.
The center is staffed with a pediatrician, a generalist, a psychologist, an OBGYN, a social worker and a community counsellor to ensure that the patients are well oriented, provided with the appropriate care and are encouraged to reduce their risky behavior, improve treatment adherence among adolescents and improve their retention in care.
Project CASA, which stands for “care, support and treatment center for adolescents” is a safe place designed specifically for adolescents and in particular for those infected or affected by HIV where they have the opportunity to hold constructive and confidential dialogue with care providers, get answers for all their questions about their future, their sexuality and their hopes to build a family of their own.
The oceremony took place within the hospital where CASA is located and the guests where happy to discover the results of a drawing contest by students which purpose aiming to decorate the front side of the facility. The winner of the contest, a 12th grade student from a nearby school received an iPad, a t-shirt and several gadgets offered by Foundation MTN.
The Ministry of Health representative lauded EGPAF for this new approach and urged the adolescents to take ownership of the facility, visit it frequently and share the information with their peers to take advantage of all the services offered.

Dr. Joseph Essombo, EGPAF-CDI’s Country Director, stressed that there is a real risk for a new HIV/AIDS epidemic in Côte d’Ivoire where we see more adolescents and especially adolescents’ girls 15-24 years old infected with the disease.
He thanked Foundation MTN for their investment and support for the promotion of adolescent’s health which is a clear demonstration of their social responsibility in Côte d’Ivoire. Dr Essombo cited Elizabeth Glaser in her most famous and powerful speech at the Democratic Party Convention in 1992:
“Sometimes in life, there is a moment when it is possible to make a change for the better. And this is such a moment”
The ceremony ended with a colorful ballet from the adolescent peer educators group, the official remittance of the facility’s key followed by a visit of the center by officials.
Jacqueline Dreesen, EGPAF-CDI
Côte d’Ivoire
Adolescent Identification, Care & Treatment; Strengthening Local Capacity