Vote for EGPAF! People’s Choice Award at the 2015 Saving Lives at Birth DevelopmentXChange

We are so excited to be a Saving Lives at Birth Round 5 finalist! EGPAF’s innovation— a model for national scale-up of the Pratt Pouch to expand infant nevirapine prophylaxis in Uganda—is a top contender addressing the problem of preventable newborn and maternal mortality in the developing world. EGPAF, along with 53 other big thinkers from over 750 applications will move forward into the final stage of the 2015 Saving Lives at Birth Grand Challenge. On Wednesday, EGPAF will be participating in USAID’s DevelopmentXChange, an event which showcases the new technologies, ideas, and approaches from grantees and finalists from across the world next week in Washington, DC.
How Can I help EGPAF WIN the People’s Choice Award?
VOTE: The competition includes a People’s Choice Award. Place your vote for EGPAF today! All you need to do is register, then select EGPAF’s project and click on the star in the bottom left corner.
ATTEND: We encourage you to register and attend the Development xChange Marketplace and Reception on July 22, 2015, where you can walk around and learn about the new technologies and products and show your support for EGPAF.
SHARE: Use the power of social media to spread the word. Encourage your friends and family to vote for EGPAF.
Whats This All About?
Saving Lives at Birth is a unique competition which calls for groundbreaking technologies and approaches for preventing and reducing maternal and neonatal death in low-resource settings. EGPAF’s proposed project focuses on building a model for national scale-up of the Pratt Pouch to expand infant nevirapine prophylaxis in Uganda where 120,000 HIV-exposed infants are born, with nearly 16,000 becoming HIV-infected through transmission from their HIV-positive mothers during pregnancy, delivery, or breastfeeding. For those who may not remember, the Pratt Pouch is a foilized pouch, similar to a ketchup packet, which can be filled with ARVs. By distributing the pouches to HIV-positive pregnant women in ANC, we can ensure they have infant nevirapine prophylaxis for their newborns, even if they deliver at home.