What We’re Reading: New Year, New Goals for HIV/AIDS Elimination

Happy New Year from the Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation! This week, we’re reading about how we can make an AIDS free Generation a reality in 2014. From progress toward achieving the Millennium Development Goals to the courage of soldiers in Kenya standing against stigma, these stories give us hope and inspiration to carry with us into 2014.
EGPAF – Soldiers of Hope Speak of Their Experience with HIV in Kenya – World AIDS Day celebrations in Kenya featured a rare look into the lives of Kenya’s HIV-positive uniformed service officers and soldiers. Uniformed officers throughout the nation came forward to have frank conversations about fighting an enemy within, stigma and discrimination.
About.com – How Likely Are We to Achieve Global HIV/AIDS Goals by 2015 — About.com examines the progress toward Millennium Development Goal 4, which seeks to halt and reverse the spread of HIV, tuberculosis and malaria by 2015.
Forbes.com – Making An AIDS-Free Generation A Reality – Craig McClure head of UNICEF’s HIV/AIDS office discusses progress toward an HIV/AIDS generation and the strategies to scale up access to care and treatment.
EGPAF — EGPAF’s Dr. John Ongech Wins Kenya’s Prestigious ‘Manager of the Year’ Award — EGPAF congratulates John Ongech, M.D., an EGPAF-Kenya researcher, on winning the prestigious 2013 Manager of the Year Award for his efforts to reduce maternal deaths and promote child health.
EGPAF – Reaching the Tipping Point on Pediatric AIDS – In this opinion piece for the Huffington Post’s Global Motherhood Blog, EGPAF President and CEO Chip Lyons reflects on the recent passing of Nelson Mandela, his HIV/AIDS legacy and the global “tipping point” in progress towards eliminating HIV/AIDS.