2021 International AIDS Society Conference on HIV Science (IAS 2021)
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- The Pre-Conference: International Workshop on HIV Pediatrics 2021
- Satellites and Special Sessions
- Oral Abstracts
- E-Posters
The Pre-Conference: International Workshop on HIV Pediatrics 2021
Opening Session
Opening remarks provided by Dr. Lynne Mofenson, EGPAF Sr Research Advisor and Dr. Elaine Abrams, Columbia University
Date/Time:Thursday, July 15, 10:00 (CEST)
Guided Poster Tour 3: Pediatric Care and Treatment
An Assessment of Multi-Month Dispensing of Antiretroviral Therapy for Children and Adolescents Across 10 African Countries (#48), presented by Ashley Sorgi
Date/Time:Friday, July 16, 13:00 (CEST)
Guided Poster Tour 4: Adolescents and HIV
Trends in HIV Self-Testing Among Adolescent and Youth Populations Across Sub-Saharan Africa (#58), presented by Madison Ethridge
Date/Time:Friday, July 16, 13:50 (CEST)
Oral Abstract Session: Prevention of Perinatal Transmission and HIV-Exposed Uninfected Infants
Determinants of HIV-Free Survival in the Era of Lifelong Universal Antiretroviral Therapy (ART): Pooled Analysis of PEAWIL and IMPROVE Studies, Lesotho (#22) presented by Appolinaire Tiam
Date/Time:Saturday, July 17, 11:00 (CEST)
Oral Abstract Session 2: Pediatric Care
Pediatric ARV Optimization in a Real-World Setting: Dolutegravir Transition in Mozambique (#26), Michelle M. Gill
Date/Time:Saturday, July 17, 11:00 (CEST)
Closing Session
Remarks provided by Dr. Lynne Mofenson, EGPAF Sr Research Advisor and Dr. Elaine Abrams, Columbia University
Date/Time:Saturday, July 17, 15:25 (CEST)
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Satellites and Special Sessions
#ShareYourLeadership: Youth-Driven Digital Innovation in the HIV Response
Hosts: The IAS – International AIDS Society, Y+ Global, Youth RISE, Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation, PACT, ATHENA Network, and the Adolescent HIV Treatment Coalition
Date/Time: Tuesday, July 20, 16:00-16:50 (CEST)
Location: Channel 2
About: What is needed to support youth leadership in the HIV response? What are the strengths and weaknesses of using digital technology to meet those needs? This interactive and dynamic session will officially launch a collaborative digital platform designed by young leaders and for young people to network and access information. We will hear from social entrepreneurs, influencers and young leaders as they discuss the importance of utilizing well-connected digital spaces for young people living with or affected by HIV, why youth-led collaborative approaches are vital to fostering innovation, the strengths and limitations of technology, and what is needed to grow this area of work.
New Horizons Advancing Pediatric HIV Care Collaborative – Lessons from the Journey and Future Destinations
Hosts: The Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation
Date/Time: Monday, July 19 2021, at 17:00 (CEST)
Location: Channel 4
About: Achieving the third and most challenging of all 90-90-90 targets for the control of HIV epidemic requires sustained virologic suppression among people on antiretroviral therapy (ART). Children, adolescents and young adults with unsuppressed viral load are in need of tailored and effective adherence, psychosocial, behavioral and ART interventions to prevent the development of treatment failure and assure virologic suppression. The New Horizons Advancing Pediatric HIV Care Collaborative (NHC), launched by Janssen Pharmaceutical Companies of Johnson & Johnson in 2014, is a global initiative to advance pediatric HIV treatment and care. This satellite will: Review the history of NHC with analysis of achieved milestones and encountered challenges; Explain the role of donated drugs and health system strengthening in assuring the treatment success; Provide insight into the future of the NHC for the coming years.
Ending Crypto Deaths by 2030 – Perspectives from the Key Global Stakeholders
Hosts: DNDi, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention-SGUL
Date/Time: Sunday, July 18 at 11:00 am (CEST)
Location: Channel 2
About: Cryptosporidium is associated with significant morbidity and mortality, especially in HIV-infected populations. In this session, a vast array of stakeholder will weigh in on how they can envision, and plan, to end crypto deaths. EGPAF’s Appolinaire Tiam will co-panel.
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Oral Abstracts
Abstract Title: Integration of Family Planning Services into DSD for HIV Treatment – Results from 12 Facilities in Kenya and Tanzania
Presenter: Cathrien Alons
Session Title: Don’t wait – integrate! How COVID-19 has highlighted the need for HIV services to be person-centered
Location: Channel 2
Time: Sunday, July 18, 15:00- 15:50 (CEST)
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Transition to DTG in Cote d’Ivoire: Are women being left behind?
Presenter: Marc N’goran
Factors Associated with HIV-positive status disclosure: Results from a baseline data analysis among persons living with HIV in Cote d’Ivoire
Presenter: Bernard N’guessan
Provision of Multi-Month Dispensing (MMD) of ARV in the time of COVID-19 in Cote d’Ivoire
Presenter: Marc N’goran
As older patients meet viral suppression targets, young people continue to lag behind: results from a patient chart audit in Côte d’Ivoire
Presenter: Lauren Greenberg
Experiences from clients and providers at community ART distribution sites and referring health facilities in Kinshasa, DRC
Presenter: Aime Loando
Clinical outcomes of community ART distribution: DRC’s experience with the PODI+ model
Presenter: Michelle Gill
High viral suppression among clients with high viral load after implementing multifaceted interventions in a clinic setting in Eswatini
Presenter: Mazwi Mavuso
Demand creation and voluntary medical male circumcision during COVID-19 pandemic
Presenter: Menzi Ginindza
An assessment of multi-month dispensing of antiretroviral therapy for children and adolescents across 10 African countries
Presenter: Ashley Sorgi
Determinants of HIV-free survival in the era of lifelong universal antiretroviral therapy (ART): pooled analysis of PEAWIL and IMPROVE studies, Lesotho
Presenter: Appolinaire Tiam
Pediatric ARV optimization in a real-world setting: Dolutegravir transition in Mozambique
Presenter: Michelle Gill
Impact of ARV optimization on HIV viral load suppression among children in Tanzania
Presenter: Roland van de Ven
Index testing as a cornerstone of HIV case identification: experiences from Tanzania
Presenter: Dickson Hunja