Videos and Recordings | March 2022

Approaching a Cure for Pediatric HIV

Evidence to Action (E2A) Webinar
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Evidence to Action (E2A) is a webinar series created by EGPAF to share novel approaches and best practices in global health programs.

A cure for pediatric HIV could be a vital game-changer in the elimination of mother-to-child transmission; it could result in truly the end of this disease in children and in adolescents. The Pediatric Adolescent Virus Elimination (PAVE) Collaboratory is a global consortium focused on this science. PAVE was created in August of 2021 and focuses on basic science and community engagement around the importance of pediatric cure research. The Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation (EGPAF) is a partner on this workstream, alongside AVAC; together we’re hosting an event to bring light to the field of pediatric cure research, the goals of PAVE, and to discuss the implementation implications of this science to all in the field of pediatric HIV.


  • Intro: Cure research is here – Dr. Lynne Mofenson, EGPAF-Global
  • What is PAVE: A global landscape of the goals, the membership, and the trials occurring all over the world – Dr. Deborah Persaud, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health
  • Current trends in data: Broadly neutralizing antibodies and animal models – Dr. Mark Cotton, Tygerberg Children’s Hospital (TCH), Stellenbosch University (SU), South Africa
  • Informed and empowered: How youth feel about the movement toward a cure – Josephine Nabukenya, EGPAF Board Member and Youth Advocate
  • Community Advocate: Reflections of a mother and long-time pediatric cure advocate – Martha Sichone-Cameron, EGPAF and Executive Director for International Community of Women Living with HIV (North America Region)
  • Discussion: moderated by Dr. Lynne Mofenson



Pediatric HIV Diagnosis, Care & Treatment; Prevention of Mother-to-Child Transmission