Accelerating Lesotho’s Progress to Epidemic Control (ALPEC)
2021 - 2025
With partners Baylor, the Lesotho Network of People Living with HIV and AIDS (LENEPWHA), and Sentebale, EGPAF is implementing the Accelerating Lesotho’s Progress to Epidemic Control Through Health System Strengthening and Delivery of Comprehensive HIV/TB Care, Treatment and Prevention Services under PEPFAR (ALPEC) project. EGPAF and our partners collaborate with counterparts and stakeholders from the MOH, Christian Health Association of Lesotho (CHAL), PEPFAR implementing partners, local civil society organizations (CSOs), and local structures. The project’s purpose is to expand support for the provision of scalable, high quality, comprehensive, evidence-based HIV and TB prevention, care, and treatment throughout four districts in Lesotho. The overall aim is to assist the GOL to attain and sustain HIV epidemic control. The ultimate goal is to decrease HIV and TB incidence, and HIV- and TB-associated morbidity and mortality among all populations in Lesotho. ALPEC’s approach will identify system barriers and bottlenecks affecting efforts to reach the UNAIDS 95-95-95 targets, and develop strategies to address them.
Funded by CDC