Year in Review: Strategic Innovation
Since its founding, EGPAF has embraced innovations to reach our mission and goals. The HIV epidemic—including population needs, technologies, and the virus itself—challenges us to rapidly adapt our approach and adopt new tools.
With its extensive service delivery platform, on-the-ground experience, and collaboration with national governments and local partners, EGPAF is well-placed to introduce, evaluate and bring innovation to scale through our programming, while translating evidence into policy and action through targeted advocacy.
We establish robust data systems to maximize quality of data and evidence that can be utilized for advancing research, innovation, and program optimization, as well as for effectively monitoring progress towards ending HIV/AIDS in children, youth, and families.
Our Technical Strategy and Innovation division includes these teams:
Technical Hubs
In 2023, EGPAF focused on establishing technical hubs: clinical facilities equipped to drive technical excellence, test interventions or approaches, evaluate innovations, and generate high-quality data. While the development of technical hubs is expected to take several years, we are aiming to start evaluating innovations at these hubs in 2024.
These facilities will foster transition while maintaining the high quality of our programs by serving as resource centers. The early adaptor countries include Cameroon, Lesotho, Malawi and Uganda.
Glaser Analytics Platform (GAP)
With the overarching goal of democratizing data, GAP aims to serve as a gateway to EGPAF’s program data, providing staff with a convenient “one-stop-shop” where project data, reports, dashboards, and other related materials are seamlessly rendered.
Digital Health and Electronic Medical Records
EGPAF has established a Digital Health and Data Analytics Directorate to lead and coordinate the implementation of digital health across all of our supported countries and projects. Through this commitment, EGPAF is diligently working to improve digital infrastructure, develop inclusive digital policies and standards, and push to expand access to digital services to hospital facilities and rural communities to improve the health outcomes of individuals, households, and communities.

EGPAF’s Strategic Information and Evaluation team collaborating with country teams to either support their existing electronic medical records (EMR) systems or position the country team to implement electronic medical registers in the future.
Our work in recent years in Malawi represents a scalable, replicable solution with the breadth, depth, and scale to be critically important for any Ministry of Health—and beyond HIV. In 2023, we worked on replicated that success in Cameroon and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC).
Learn more about our Digital Health Work.

Read more about some of our digital health tools.

Learn about our approach to Digital Health and how we provide precision healthcare.

Watch a short video about our work with electronic medical records in Malawi.
Committee of African Youth Advisors (CAYA)
A growing proportion of adolescents and youth are infected with and affected by HIV daily. Because adolescents prioritize peer engagement, EGPAF developed a platform for youth leadership in health and HIV/AIDS programing. The Community of African Youth Advisors (CAYA) is a body of selected youth leaders who represent 11 countries.
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