Afya Yangu Northern
2021 - 2026
Based in Tanzania, Afya Yangu Northern is designed around client-centered approaches to address gaps in HIV/TB/FP service delivery, while continuously building and transferring capacity of local stakeholders for sustainable and country-led ownership. Partners are Amref, D-tree, EngenderHealth, and Matchboxology. Working side-by-side with local government authorities (LGAs) and community organizations, Afya Yangu Northern will build upon EGPAF’s proven Regional Acceleration Strategy (RAS) to launch RAS+, focusing on capacity transfer toward full ownership, while ensuring high quality services.
Afya Yangu Northern will focus intensely on direct service delivery across all regions in early project years, ensuring that gaps to epidemic control are identified, and tailored solutions are designed to meet the needs of vulnerable populations. Afya Yangu Northern will test the transition approach to one of the LGAs to contribute/inform USAID strategy on localization.
Funded by USAID