Promoting Good Health for Mothers and Babies (UNICEF)
With funding from UNICEF, EGPAF supported the MOH to improve the quality of services offered to pregnant women by integrating PMTCT into maternal, neonatal, and child health services and scaling up pediatric HIV care and treatment. More than 1,110 infants were initiated on cotrimoxazole prophylaxis during the project period. EGPAF trained 375 health care workers on infant and young child feeding, counseling, and support. Fifty-seven nurses were trained on comprehensive pediatric care and treatment, and 17 nurses were trained on the new WHO PMTCT guidelines. EGPAF conducted onsite mentoring on monitoring and evaluation, presumptive diagnosis of severe HIV disease in young children less than 18 months, and infant and young child feeding. Child Health Days were introduced nationwide and offered HIV testing and counseling, including early infant diagnosis (EID), TB screening, nutrition assessments, and distribution of vitamin A. Child Health Day campaigns reached over 11,559 children.