Call to Action (USAID/PEPFAR)
With funding from USAID and PEPFAR, EGPAF implemented the eight-year global Call to Action (CTA) Project in 12 countries, including Lesotho. CTA significantly contributed to national PMTCT achievements. EGPAF’s work in Lesotho was based around four areas: expanding coverage of HIV/AIDS services; ensuring high-quality services; building community support for program sustainability; and providing support at the national level. Over the course of the project, EGPAF assisted the MOH in establishing and enhancing PMTCT service provision at 103 health facilities in six districts (Berea, Butha-Buthe, Leribe, Maseru, Mokhotlong, and Thaba-Tseka). In the five districts where EGPAF was the only PEPFAR clinical services partner, coverage was successfully increased to 100% for PMTCT. Under the project, more than 55,000 pregnant women were provided with HIV testing and counseling services, approximately 17,000 women were provided prophylaxis for PMTCT, nearly 15,000 infants received drugs to prevent HIV acquisition, and almost 8,000 infants were tested for HIV using DNA/PCR testing.