July 22, 2024 - July 27, 2024

2024 International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2024)

The Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation (EGPAF) will participate in the 25th International AIDS Conference (AIDS 2024). As a leader in the fight for an AIDS-free generation, EGPAF will be presenting cutting-edge solutions which put people first, especially children and families.


Learn more about our satellites and workshops, oral presentations, posters, and how to engage with EGPAF during AIDS 2024.


Pediatrics Workshop: Session 3- Comorbidities/ Coinfections: #7 – Progress toward Triple Elimination of Mother-to-Child-Transmission of HIV, HBV, and Syphilis: A 12-months Retrospective Analysis of Testing Coverage in Antenatal Care Clinics in Cameroon

Date/Time: Friday, July 19th at 2:15 pm
Location: H4 Hotel München Messe
Organizer: Academic Medical Education
Presenter: Tchounga Boris Kevin

Pediatrics Workshop: Session 4- Prevention of New Pediatric HIV Infections (and Improving Maternal Health: #11 – Pregnancy and HIV Status Among Pregnant Adolescent Girls and Young Women in Eight EGPAF-Supported Countries

Date/Time: Saturday, July 20th at 8:55 am
Location: H4 Hotel München Messe
Organizer: Academic Medical Education
Presenter: Cosima Lenz


Munich Youth Force: Breaking barriers, building power and forging alliances – Session 2: Munich Youth Force – Building power

Date/Time: Saturday, July 20th at 9:30 am
Location: Room 5/Channel 8
Organizer:  Munich Youth Force

Description: Empowering young people and building their ‘power’ through regular HIV testing, comprehensive sexuality education, and informed choices about their bodies enhances policy change and social justice in the HIV response. Active engagement of youth in decision-making bodies builds their capacity to address structural barriers and discrimination. This session engages a host of young leaders and advocates in interactive discussions on empowerment and disrupting power dynamics. Moderated by Emish Ondiek, EGPAF-Kenya Committee of African Youth Advisors (CAYA).

Munich Youth Force: Breaking barriers, building power and forging alliances – Session 3: Munich Youth Force – Forging alliances

Date/Time: Saturday, July 20th at 12:30 pm
Location: Room 5/Channel 8
Organizer:  Munich Youth Force

Description: This session will explore strategies for forging alliances and the importance of partnerships in the HIV response. It will cover how young people can amplify their voices through partnerships with communities and other entities. We will hear success stories from youth led organizations as well as advice from other organizations in the development of effective partnerships in the HIV/AIDS response. We will close with building networking skills. Moderated by EGPAF’s Mary Spencer.

SUSTAINING HOPE FOR ALL – Through 2030 and beyond – Session 4: Reaching the missing millions: Faith communities increasing access to HIV services, advancing human rights and equal access to all

Date/Time: Sunday, July 21st at 1:30 pm
Location: Room 13a/Channel 6
Organizer: UNAIDS – PEPFAR Faith Initiative

Description:This session will focus on how Faith-Based Organizations can enhance their advocacy efforts to increase access to HIV services and reach underserved populations. Advocacy experts will share insights on what makes advocacy and campaigning successful and highlight common pitfalls to avoid. Participants will then engage in a collaborative discussion to identify successful elements for the Faith Initiative campaign aimed at reaching the missing millions. EGPAF’s Catherine Connor will present on the Do and Don’t of Advocacy.

Satellites and Workshops

Children Living with HIV: The Past, Present and Future

Date/Time: Monday, July 22nd at 7:30 am
Location: Room 14b/Channel 3
Organizer: Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation

Description: Great progress has been made towards epidemic control of HIV, including a significant reduction in the number of children newly infected with HIV in 2022, with a 58% 130,000 [CI: 90,000-210,000] decline in new infections among children under 5 years old, from 310,000 [210,000-490,000] in 2010. Despite this progress, children continue to lag behind in meeting the UNAIDS 95-95-95 targets, and have disproportionately higher mortality rates.

Several initiatives highlighted the importance of focused attention on pediatrics, understanding the epidemic in children given stagnant progress in PMTCT programs. Concerns have been raised regarding UNAIDS pediatric estimates compounded by challenges in identifying children infected with HIV through aggressive programmatic pediatric treatment targets.

The purpose of this satellite is to draw key actors to discuss progress towards pediatric 95-95-95 targets, experiences of countries who are closer to pediatric epidemic control, and MOH experience as a custodian of pediatric HIV programs.

Related Resources: FACTS ABOUT: Pediatric Care and Treatment Access, FACTS ABOUT: Why We Need to Prioritize Children in the Fight to Eliminate HIV

Catalytic Partnerships: Driving Change Towards Ending AIDS in Children by 2030

Date/Time: Monday, July 22nd at 1:00 pm
Location: B11 – 1st Floor, Hall B1, South Side
Organizer: ViiV Healthcare

Description: The Breakthrough Partnership, a joint effort that brings together programmatic clinical expertise (PATA and EGPAF), community leadership (Aidsfonds), and advocacy (UNICEF), supported by ViiV Healthcare Positive Action, will share practical examples of how this collaboration of key stakeholders has implemented effective clinic, community, and advocacy interventions/activities in Mozambique, Uganda, and Nigeria.

The Workshop explores the critical role of partnership that integrates HIV programmes and service delivery with community leadership and bolsters national advocacy in a collective effort to end AIDS in children. This workshop will delve into strategies and tools that lead to effective interventions and strengthened HIV responses, particularly in Mozambique, Uganda, and Nigeria. Utilizing an adult learning approach, the workshop will provide a learning platform for in-depth discussions to shape impactful actions and accelerate progress toward ending AIDS in children by 2030.
Advanced Registration Required – this event is full

Treatment Failure Management in Children – New Horizons Advancing Pediatric Care Collaborative

Date/Time: Tuesday, July 23rd at 6 pm
Location: Room 13a/Channel 6
Organizer: Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation and J&J

Description: The New Horizons (NH) Advancing Pediatric Care Collaborative was launched in 2014 by Janssen Pharmaceutical Companies of Johnson & Johnson (J&J), together with the Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation (EGPAF), national Ministries of Health (MOH), and other international, national, and regional partners., NH was designed to support access to Darunavir and/or Etravirine donated by J&J and to build healthcare capacity to manage pediatric treatment failure in children and adolescents. As 2024 is the 10th anniversary of NH, J&J and EGPAF want to celebrate and publicize the successes, lessons learned, and tools developed through the collaborative.

The satellite session will feature high-level speakers from J&J, EGPAF, and other pediatric HIV stakeholders to highlight the need for a focus on treatment failure management in children and show data and success stories from NH that addresses these gaps.

Related Resources: Building Health Systems Capacity to Manage Pediatric HIVBuilding Health Systems Capacity Reaching HIV Epidemic Viral Suppression Targets in All Children and Adolescents

An Enhanced Package for Advanced HIV Disease

Date/Time: Wednesday, July 24th at 6 pm
Location: Room 13b/Channel 7
Organizer: Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation

Description: The HIV epidemic continues to have a devastating impact, with 630,000 (480,000–880,000) PLHIV dying from AIDS-related illness in 2022. To tackle high mortality, WHO released the comprehensive Advanced HIV Disease (AHD) guidelines; however, implementation lagged due to capacity and unavailability of appropriate diagnostic tools and treatment packages. EGPAF worked closely with key stakeholders and Ministries of Health to develop an enhanced package with targeted interventions to reduce mortality and morbidity. EGPAF’s approaches are rooted in core QI concepts that lead to rapid improvements in programme performance and continuously strengthen the quality of care offered to patients.

The satellite will highlight the implementation model of improved AHD service delivery, its outcomes in routine care, analyze demand during implementation and describe service delivery in three project countries: Malawi, Cote d’Ivoire and Lesotho. The discussion will be informed by study results.

Related Resources: Advanced HIV Disease, Developing and Scaling Delivery of Advanced HIV Disease Services (DDAH) Project

Make It Stronger: How Health Systems Strengthening Can Improve Equity for Women and Children

Date/Time: Thursday, July 25th at 12 pm
Location: Room 1/Channel 2
Organizer: Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation

Description: While the global HIV/AIDS response has dramatically improved service delivery, it has often done so without adequate focus on strengthening health systems. Meanwhile, policymakers and donors are rapidly embracing efforts to create resilient and sustainable systems that address multiple needs across national-level health platforms. The question is whether pivoting to a health system strengthening (HSS) approach can also be designed in a way that reinforces service delivery efforts and places patients at the center of the health care system.

This satellite will challenge global and national stakeholders to consider what patient-centered national-level HSS could look like, including clinical decision-making tools to address health disparities in women and children and improving the maternal and pediatric patient/caregiver experience. The satellite will also discuss real-life examples of how client based HSS better serves government officials, clinical providers and patients alike.

PrEP: Choice, Empowerment, and Engagement with and for Adolescents and Young People Affected by HIV

Date/Time: Thursday, July 25th at 2:30 pm
Location: Youth Pavillon – Main Stage
Organizer: Youth Force

Description: Featuring EGPAF-Malawi’s Shalom Dunga and EGPAF Committee of African Youth Advisors (CAYA) member Emish Ondiek. More details coming soon.


Oral Abstract Presentations

Clinical Impact and Cost-effectiveness of Improving Access to Cryptococcal Meningitis Diagnostics and Treatment in Malawi

Session Name: Advanced HIV Disease: Hiding in Plain Sight
Date/Time: Tuesday, July 23rd at 3 pm
Location: Room 14b/Channel 3
Presenter: Mary Feser

Integrating Non-communicable Disease Screening and Treatment in Antiretroviral Clinics: Insights from Malawi

Session Name: Co-morbidities: The Heart of the Matter
Date/Time: Friday, July 26th at 10:30 am
Location: Hall B0b/Channel 5
Presenter: Shalom Kawonga Dunga

Transforming Cervical Cancer Screening for Women Living with HIV Using a Digital Health Application: Experiences from Tanzania

Session Name: Care for the Whole Person: Co-infections and Co-morbidities
Date/Time: Friday, July 26th at 1:30 pm
Location: Room 13b/Channel 7
Presenter: Angasyege Kibona

Global Village and More

Uniting Global HIV Advocacy in a Hostile Political Landscape

Date/Time: Tuesday, July 23rd at 4:00  pm
Location: Global Village – AVAC Networking Zone
Description: Donor fatigue. Hostile policies. Political instability. In such a challenging environment, how can HIV advocates be most effective? Join us at  AIDS 2024 as we talk about what’s working and what an effective path forward looks like. Featuring EGPAF’s Katie Coester.

Leveraging Patient-Centered and Cost-Efficient Diagnosis Systems to Meet the 95-95-95 Goal 

Date/Time: Tuesday, July 23rd at 6:00  pm
Location: H4 Hotel, München Messe
Description: The broad objective of this workshop is to facilitate the sharing of experiences and the exchange of best practices among representatives from various countries to improve deployment and effectiveness of diagnostic systems. Moderated by EGPAF’s Appolinaire Tiam.


Date/Time: Wednesday, July 24th at 1:15  pm
Location: Global Village – Unitaid MPP Booth
Description: Featuring EGPAF’s Patricia Fassinou Ekouévi.

Posters and E-Posters

A Case-based Management Approach to Strengthen the Follow-up of HIV-exposed Infants in Tanzania

Presenter: Roland van de Ven

Charting the Path: A Proposed Theory of Action for Enhancing Early Care for HIV-exposed Infants in Malawi

Presenter: Chikondi Chapuma

Enhancing Retention Strategies for Newly-initiated Antiretroviral Therapy Clients in Low-resource Settings: The Impact of an Innovative Case Management Program in Malawi

Presenter: Lucky Makonokaya

Entering a New Normal: Redefining HIV Advocacy in a Hostile Political Landscape

Presenter: Katie Coester

Evaluating Progress Towards Triple Elimination of HIV, Syphilis and Hepatitis B in Uganda, Tanzania, Eswatini, Kenya and Cameroon

Presenter: Fatima Alexandra Tsiouris

Factors Associated with Hypertension and Diabetes Mellitus among People Living with HIV in the Littoral and South Regions of Cameroon: Experience from the Non-communicable Disease/HIV Integration Approach

Presenter: Emile Nforbih Shu

Gains in PrEP Uptake Among At-risk Adolescents and Youth Across Six African Countries, but is it Equitable?

Presenter: Mary Spencer

Improving Identification and Management of Advanced HIV Disease Among People Living with HIV in Côte d’Ivoire

Presenter: Marie Huguette Kingbo

Integrating Non-communicable Disease Screening and Treatment into HIV Services: Programmatic Results on Hypertension and Diabetes Mellitus Screening and Care within HIV Clinics in Littoral and South Regions of Cameroon, 2023

Presenter: Tatiana Djikeussi

Progress Toward Triple Elimination of Mother-to-child-transmission of HIV, HBV, and Syphilis: A 12-months Retrospective Analysis of Testing Coverage in Antenatal Care Clinics in Cameroon

Presenter: Boris Kevin Tchounga

Reaching HIV Epidemic Control by 2030 Will Require Focused Attention on the PMTCT Cascade: A Comparison of PEPFAR Versus Non-PEPFAR Supported Sites in Tanzania

Presenter: Sajida Julius Kimambo

Screening for Mental Health Disorders Among Vulnerable People Living with HIV: Lessons Learned from 11 Demonstration Facilities in Tanzania Can Inform Broader Integration

Presenter: Juma Songoro

Silent Struggles Unveiled: High Prevalence of Depression, Suicidal Behavior, and Substance Abuse Among Adolescents and Young Adults Living with HIV in Select Facilities in Malawi

Presenter: Louiser Upile Kalitera

Standardizing Routine Mortality Review Among Children Living with HIV on Antiretroviral Therapy in Tanzania

Presenter: Akwila Temu

Trading Risks for Protection: The Role of Age, Sex Work, and Discordant Partnerships in Oral Pre-exposure Prophylaxis Persistence Among High-Risk Populations in Blantyre and Zomba, Malawi

Presenter: Felix Gent

Transforming Family Planning Access for Women Living with HIV: The One-stop Shop Model

Presenter: Emiliana Maswi


Engage with EGPAF 

Follow EGPAF on LinkedIn, X (Twitter), Facebook, and Instagram for live updates from the conference, including our special social video series; Chip Chats and At EGPAF’s Kitchen Table.

Chip Chats

Join EGPAF President and CEO Chip Lyons for Chip Chats, a social conversation series with top leaders and luminaries in the global fight against HIV. Chip Chats will give you a behind the scenes view of some of the biggest conversations happening at AIDS 2024. Watch the trailer to learn more.

At EGPAF’s Kitchen Table

We believe big ideas happen around a kitchen table (Elizabeth dreamed up the Pediatric AIDS Foundation at her kitchen table). At the AIDS 2024 Conference, we will be inviting experts and activists to share their big idea at our mobile kitchen table.