

There are currently nearly 200,000 people living with HIV in Eswatini, including 120,000 women and 10,000 children under the age of 15.
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Key Program Accomplishments

Currently, EGPAF-Eswatini supports:

The testing of over 87,425 individuals for HIV

Over 2,000 HIV-positive infants so they receive their first virologic test within the first 8 weeks of life

Access to treatment and PMTCT services to over 2,000 pregnant women

Our Work

The Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation (EGPAF) began supporting the Kingdom of Eswatini in 2003 to PMTCT and to provide HIV and AIDS care and treatment services. EGPAF-Eswatini’s work aims to ensure every client has access to HIV testing, high-quality counseling, and psychosocial support within a variety of easily accessible health settings throughout the country. EGPAF-Eswatini provides support to improve local infrastructure and health systems through trainings, mentorship, and procurement of essential HIV drugs and commodities. We also work to increase community engagement in PMTCT, early infant HIV diagnosis (EID), and male circumcision. Currently, EGPAF-Eswatini provides comprehensive support to 65 sites in the Hhohho and Shiselweni regions with PMTCT, ART, and TB related services. In addition, Eswatini has conducted several research studies aimed at improving program implementation and efficacy. Our research has focused on evaluations of mother-to-child HIV transmission, best practices in HIV counseling and testing, and approaches which foster community engagement in PMTCT and maternal, newborn, and child health care services.

