The Reach Act: Paving the Way Toward A Brighter Future for the World’s Women and Children

We know that efforts to address HIV/AIDS are an important piece of the puzzle when it comes to saving the lives of millions of women and children around the world from preventable causes of illness and death.
Those efforts, combined with many others to reduce maternal and child mortality, have led to nearly 100 million children around the world being saved since 1990 and maternal deaths have been cut nearly in half.
The U.S. government has played a large role in that reduction. However, sadly, each day more than 17,000 children and nearly 800 mothers lives are still lost each day due to preventable causes—numbers that are not just alarming but unacceptable. Continued bipartisan leadership is essential to continuing to support the health and well being of mothers and their children globally.
This is why we have joined with over 20 other non-profit partners asking Congress to support S. 1911: The Reach Every Mother and Child Act of 2015, introduced this week by Senators Susan Collins (R-ME), and Chris Coons (D-DE). This important legislation ensures that maternal, newborn and child health programming remains a priority for the U.S. government, as well as opens the door to new and innovative financing mechanisms to fund this lifesaving work.
As we advocate for this bill on Capitol Hill we are asking for your help. You can reach out to your Senator and ask them to co-sponsor this important legislation.
We, along with our partners are joining forces and using the hashtag #savemomsandkids to create a social media conversation around the legislation and pertinent issues around maternal and child health.
Want to join the conversation?
Tag your representative on Twitter using their handle asking for support of the bill. You have a powerful voice – and leaders are more likely to act when they hear what is important to their constituents.
Follow #SaveMomsandKids for other opportunities to share information, graphics, and other content. Keep the momentum going and be part of the conversation!
Katie Coester