10. Friends of the Global Fight for an AIDS Free Future

This week Friends of the Global Fight celebrated 10 years of leadership in HIV/AIDS advocacy in the United States at a gala celebration. EGPAF President and CEO, Chip Lyons was an honored guest at the event, which featured a noted list of researchers, policymakers, advocates and leaders in the global community for their contributions to the fight against HIV.
“It is very rewarding to gather with other HIV organizations and advocates to honor the 10-year legacy of Friends of the Global Fight in working to end the AIDS epidemic,” said Lyons. “We are all working toward the day when we can say that this epidemic is over, and we believe we will see that end in our lifetime.”
Founded by the late Jack Valenti, longtime head of the Motion Picture Association of America, and philanthropist Ed Scott, Friends of the Global Fight is a leading promoter of U.S. investments in the fight against AIDS, tuberculosis and malaria, and gives the Global Fund a voice in Washington, D.C.
Senator Chris Dodd, EGPAF board member and current head of the Motion Picture Association of America, spoke eloquently of the global AIDS response and the need to prioritize children as we continue to fight this pandemic.
During the event, Friends aired a video highlighting the progress made over the past 10 years through the work of advocates and global health organizations. The video featured the story of EGPAF Ambassadors Tatu Msangi and her daughter, Faith, who was born HIV-free through EGPAF’s services to prevent mother-to-child transmission of the virus in her home country of Tanzania.
“An AIDS-free generation is not a dream. Together, we will make it a reality,” Lyons said.
Tatu and Faith attended the 2008 State of the Union Address at the invitation of President and Mrs. George W. Bush. Tatu now sits on the board of EGPAF’s local affiliate in Tanzania, the Ariel Glaser Pediatric AIDS Health Initiative (AGPAHI).
Because an AIDS-free generation is not just a dream, from November 24 through December 26, we are highlighting 25 ways that EGPAF, our partners, and every-day people are helping and/or can help make it a reality. Pediatric HIV/AIDS is solvable, but we can't do it alone. Each and every one of us has an important role to play.