What We’re Reading: Recognizing Rights and Raising Awareness

This week we’re calling for the establishment of an International Day for Maternal Health and Rights and celebrating health workers who are on the front lines of the epidemic. We’re also examining ways to tailor HIV/AIDS education efforts to youth and adolescents.
Frontline Health Workers Coalition – Building a Health Workforce to Achieve an AIDS-free Generation – Mandy Folse, director of the Frontline Health Workers Coalition, explains why a well-trained health workforce is essential to achieving an AIDS-free Generation.
EGPAF – Join the Global Movement: Declare April 11 International Day for Maternal Health and Rights – There’s a pressing need for global action on maternal health and rights. EGPAF is part of the unified call to declare April 11 the inaugural “International Day for Maternal Health and Rights.” We must ensure that integrated maternal health, HIV, and family planning services are a priority in the post-2015 development framework.
EGPAF – Celebrating National Youth and HIV/AIDS Awareness Day – In celebration of National Youth HIV/AIDS Awareness Day (NYHAAD) EGPAF Ambassador Florida Mwesiga encourages teens to take ownership of their health and get tested for HIV.
AllAfrica.com – Nigeria: ‘HIV/AIDS Response Not Tackling Youths Issues Adequately’ – Nearly half of all Nigerians living with HIV/AIDS are between the ages of 15 -24, leading experts to question if the country’s approach to HIV education is missing a large and vulnerable population.
EGPAF – Frequently Asked Questions: The Road to an HIV Cure – EGPAF experts examine the news that a second baby has potentially been cured of HIV and discuss what the breakthrough means for our mission to end AIDS in children.
AllAfrica.com – Uganda: To Tell or Not to Tell? Ugandan Teens Grapple with HIV Disclosure – Ugandan teens discuss barriers that prevent them from disclosing their HIV status, including fear of being discriminated against and ostracized.
IPPMedia – Vehicles worth USD 115k Donated to three Hospitals – In Tanzania, EGPAF donated three vehicles to district hospitals which will allow health workers to provide better care, treatment, and prevention services to people living with HIV.